Thursday, January 24, 2019

STIN Interviews Wednesday 30 January 2019


A very warm welcome to Te Puāwai for 2019. 

We are very much looking forward to the year and supporting your child in their learning journey. To those returning to our Hub, we look forward to continuing the journey.

We thought we would put a few notes together to help prepare for the S.T.I.N. interviews next Wednesday 30 January. S.T.I.N. interviews help us to learn about your child’s Strengths, Talents, Interests and Needs.

These interviews are for you and your child to talk to us. We are interested in hearing about anything you can share that could help with their engagement, their interest in learning, things that may impact on your child’s year in Te Puāwai.

Please feel free to make a few notes to bring. You may wish to talk to your child and form notes together.

Some ideas for you.

What are your child’s interests, hobbies, chosen recreational activities at home?

What are your child’s passions, hates, loves?

What annoys them? At home and at school.

What have been the successes in your child’s learning at school?

What have been the challenges for your child’s learning at school?

How hard do they persist at tasks?

How do they react to new ideas?

How do they cope when working/socialising with others?

Have they any fears, home or school?
What activities would your child like to be involved in at school?

What are the best strategies used at home to encourage your child to join in or try something new?

Does your child share school successes/problems or concerns with you?

If there was one thing you could tell me to help your child with their learning in 2019 what would it be?

What else would you like to share? What would your child like us to know about them?

We would encourage you to follow our class blog to keep up to date with what is going on within our Hub. The address is

Subscribe to our school newsletters by using this link.

Thanks so much for your time.

Ngā mihi nui

Jenny and Geraldine

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